Friday, October 01, 2004

TGIF.......This feels like de ja vu

Well, it's Friday again and boy am I glad. Am I wishing my life away? cuz it sure seems like I look to Friday a lot! We don't have too much planned this weekend. Kyle is going to Gonzales with a friend and his family to go hunting. It is rice festival weekend here, I took bam and Katie last night so I don't know if that will do it for me or not. Depends on how lucky I get. Gregg is suppose to take the boys fishing either sat or sun morning. I hope to work a little on my sis slumber party gifts, fun! I might check out the movie schedule. I took bam to the Dr. This afternoon for his allergies, trying to get them under control. He was kinda shocked when he got on the scales and had grown 5 in. in one year and had gone from 89 to 115lbs. Must like my cooking?! Or takes after his mamma's side of the family! Heaven help him! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and I will be sitting outside, looking towards the north and hope, hope, hoping for a cold front to come my way........!

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