Tuesday, November 23, 2004

ho ho ho

I found out today that Christmas day will be held at our house this year! It is going to require alot of preparation if I want it to be nice. We are used to entertaining but it is normally a bunch of guys watching football and eating chicken wings. This will be a little different! I will have to take extra care in the "decorating" department. Maybe a new red table cloth or two! I'm sure it will all work out. I just need to start my planning now and do a little at a time!
It's time we start giving Mom and Dad a break from the holidays! They've been having it at their house the last few years and I think it's beginning to take its toll. This way they can enjoy everybody and not have too much to worry about (except the dressing, i haven't mastered that yet!)
Well, i'll be sure to let you know a month from today how i'm feeling....! Can you say red and green paper plates?!

Friday, November 12, 2004

now what am i forgetting.....

i'm happy today. it's Friday and i just might be getting off early today! this weekend is my annual bouldin sister slumber party. we will be meeting each other tomorrow at noon. i'm pretty much ready. i got our little gift bags done yesterday. i have in my head what i need to pack, but for some reason, the camera keeps slipping my mind. that would suck. we are suppose to each bring a little dessert. i still need to pick that up, probably on my way out of town. don't know what my boys are going to do while i'm gone. hopefully stay busy fishing or doing "guy" stuff. i'm going to try not to worry bout em too much! it's only 24 hours without me! i can't seem to get my mind on the job today (so, what's new?), it seems like i'm just moving papers around my desk! well, one thing i know for sure....it's finally cold outside! yippee! i've been waiting for it for a while now! the little jackets i made for my sisters will be perfect for this weekend....! see ya later!