Thursday, December 22, 2005

Merry Christmas!

I only work today till noon, then off for a week!!!! I'm so happy. Christmas is a wonderful family time of the year. Everyone seems happier, kinder...

Merry Christmas everyone!

I hope Santa is good to you....!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

fine, just fine....

i'm two weeks post-op and feeling very well. trying to get accustomed to my new eating habits. Iv'e gone from all liquids for two weeks to pureed foods. I pureed a perfectly descent meal into what looks like very bad toddler food. oh well, what can i say. it beats broth....

i'm almost finished Christmas shopping. i'm proud to say i've done it 100% online. i didn't have to set foot in the busy shopping mall. now, that's something to smile about!