Friday, October 22, 2004

25 things I've learned...(in progress)

  1. being a good mom is one of the greatest goals in life.
  2. a sense of humor can get you thru... most of the time.
  3. fall is not a long enough season.
  4. you should buy pretty candles and use them.
  5. that looking forty is not so bad.
  6. always treat your spouse with all the respect you'd want in return.
  7. you should love the body God gave you.
  8. that kids with "structure and stability" grow up to be good people.
  9. if all else fails, try laughing.
  10. you're never to old to play with silly putty.
  11. that the smell of playdough can take you back.
  12. eating dinner together around the table is still an important tradition.
  13. the importance of prayer and strong faith.
  14. teaching your boys to do things around the house will help them become good husbands.
  15. make your home a very comfortable place to be for your kids, so they won't want to roam too far.
  16. how important it is to look after the elderly in your life.
  17. prayer is powerful.

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