i just had to share the cheerleader pic! travis went to a halloween party with a few of his friends dressed as cheerleaders. the pic is priceless and one i know he will enjoy looking back on in years to come!
really? leaves turn colors?being from texas, i thought they went from bright green to crusty brown. it's almost halloween, mind you, and it is still summer. temps in the 90's. i love this "seattle" pic.it's giving me a chance to dream about what it is suppose to be like....!
I have to say, it's nice when your sister-in-law is also your ten year old's teacher. Today was Brandon's first time to be an alter server in church. He didn't want me to go cuz he said he wanted to get it down first before I came to watch him! Sandra emailed me this afternoon to tell me how well he did. She said when he was walking up to the alter, he was smiling a big ear to ear smile. She said the candle he was carrying was casting a little glow on his face.........priceless!
I can't keep my mind on the "workplace" today. It's wandering everywhere but here. The hubby's job, the kids, the house. I could spend twenty-four hours a day just taking care of what's at home. Keeping the balance. I guess that explains my loss of concentration. I am definitely a creature of habit. I thrive on the ol' routine. In doing so, when I see anything in the future that looks a little shaky, you know, fear of the unknown, i tend to feel a sense of panic. there is a very good possibility we may have a major job change in our future. the job that actually "pays" the bills. i am praying hard for it to be positive either way it may go. but thinking that what had gotten us thru, day in and day out, could just stop on a dime, it's scary. and the wonder of what might come or not come is bothersome. i can only pray. if the job loss does in fact happen, i hope it will be one of those "things" where you look back one day and say "man, i'm glad that happened". we are only so in control of our destiny, the rest is in the hands of the Higher up. i will cross my fingers and toes and know that whatever happens, we will grab it up, give it all we got and move forward....
Well, it's Friday again and boy am I glad. Am I wishing my life away? cuz it sure seems like I look to Friday a lot! We don't have too much planned this weekend. Kyle is going to Gonzales with a friend and his family to go hunting. It is rice festival weekend here, I took bam and Katie last night so I don't know if that will do it for me or not. Depends on how lucky I get. Gregg is suppose to take the boys fishing either sat or sun morning. I hope to work a little on my sis slumber party gifts, fun! I might check out the movie schedule. I took bam to the Dr. This afternoon for his allergies, trying to get them under control. He was kinda shocked when he got on the scales and had grown 5 in. in one year and had gone from 89 to 115lbs. Must like my cooking?! Or takes after his mamma's side of the family! Heaven help him! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and I will be sitting outside, looking towards the north and hope, hope, hoping for a cold front to come my way........!