God knew what he was doing when he decided I needed to be a mother to boys. Especially in the teenage years. I am guessing I probably would not have been very good at the hairspray, fingernails and accessories when it comes to teenage girls. This weekend, our middle son had his 8th grade formal dance. It was on Saturday night. It was already going to be a busy weekend and this big event would also be taking place in the middle of participating in an out-of-town baseball tournament. Other than the money spent on ordering a tux and a corsage and the time it took to take him to be measured for the tux, we were pretty much prepared for the dance. On the other hand, I noticed that a whole heck of alot more went into preparing for the daughters. They had to have spent many hours shopping for the perfect formal dress and shoes ($) and then the trip to the salon for the nails and the up-do ($, $). It would have been a much bigger ordeal getting a girl ready. I can only imagine the stress that would be flying around my house. Luckily, I just had to send him to the shower, help him into his monkey suit and off he went! Being a mother to three boys....$priceless!
i made the mistake the other day of saying, "boy, i haven't been sick in a long time". then "bam"!! it hit me. i woke up mother's day morning and could hardly swallow. my throat hurt, head hurt and to top it off i had poison ivy! i had been doing a little yard work the day before and darned if i didn't pull at some good ol poison ivy barehanded. so, needless to say, i spent all but mother's day lunch, in the bed...
i have to say, my hubby and boys really took care of me....breakfast, a big balloon, two dozen roses and two sweet, sweet cards....
Ok. I need a little weight loss help now! We are taking a little family trip in exactly 51 days from today. I cannot reveal my starting weight because it is just a little too humilitating. I need to lose about 50 lbs, but no way is that going to happen in that short of time. If I could at least lose 1/2 of that before our trip, i'd be happy. Any inspiration out there? I'd love to hear it.
I realize i'm too far past every being a "eye catcher" again. But, honestly, i'd just like to be able to get out there and do all the fun stuff there is to do with my boys and not be embarrassed to be in shorts.
So, here I start. I'm planning on cutting back on my servings at mealtimes. And I do intend on getting over to the track and walking as much as possible between now and then....
Help, anyone who might have a few great ideas....! Hit me...