As of yesterday, all my kids are in the "double-digits". Bam turned 10 yesterday! He was a happy guy. Everything has been going along pretty normally. Dealing with the heat, the dying grass in the yard, work and kid's activities.I am enjoying football season. The blackcats play at home this week so we will be going to cheer em on!
hi! i haven't taken time to write in a while! no news is good news, right?! after a busy weekend of birthdays, football and baseball, it's monday again! sitting on my butt in front of my computer at work. geez, where did the time go! Travis played in a baseball tournament in Spring this weekend. He stayed with his teammates. They won first place. I missed not having him around all weekend though. We celebrated Gregg's and his mother's birthday this weekend. I cooked
chicken speghetti! He took Kyle and Brandon fishing early Sunday morning! I did get to work on some of my goodies for my upcoming Sister slumber party, that was fun! I'm still waiting for cooler weather. Seems the closest i'll get to fall is the picture on my computer desktop...!!
It's 74 degrees this morning! Much better than the previous 85 degree mornings we've had lately. I'm so tired of dealing with "humidity frizzy" hair. Makes me want to just shave it all! Other than that little complaint...all is well in my world! Boys are busy with school work, football & fishing. Kyle is beginning to really enjoy "wade fishing" and going in the bay with his dad. Travis has had a reprieve from baseball until October and has been practicing with his eighth grade football team. Brandon is hanging in there with his first year of peewee football. He isn't enjoying it as much as he thought and told us he wants to quit. He has been practicing for a month and won't even have his first game till the 11th of September. We told him to at least stick it out and play a real game before we make a decision like that. His birthday is on the 19th, he will be in the "double digits". We gave him his gift last night (early!). He's been wanting a Gameboy advance SP....He's a happy boy! Gregg's birthday is next friday the 10th. Birthdays aren't near as fun when you grown up, are they.....?!!