I guess summer is back. The cool weather was just a "teaser". I'm tired of 93 degrees and 100% humidity. It's making it tough on our two little football players too. Well, hopefully we will see some changes in the weather again soon. Since the kids are back in school and I finally think I've purchased all the needed school supplies, I've been thinking in the back of my head about Christmas! How funny is that? You know how every year you think, "i'm going to start buying little gifts ahead of time this year so it's not such a blow to my budget", but really it never works out? Well, i'm gonna try it again this year. Maybe a couple of gifts every couple of weeks. We'll see if i succeed this time! What I really ought to focus on right now? Turning forty and what I'm going to do to make it memorable......maybe lose 40 lbs?! Now, that's what i'm talking about....!!
wow! i'm happy. school is starting and the kids will be back to routine again. brandon started this morning and was very, very excited! kyle and travis start tomorrow. they are making one last trip to the mall today to get their backpacks. it's a good feeling getting back into our "groove". plus, they have alot of learning to do! and needless to say, i will have my quiet lunchbreak back! yippee!
Looks like a long time ago, seems like only yesterday!!
It's a beautiful day today. The weather is beginning to cool a little. It has me really lookin to October (my fav month!). Work is blahhhh. I am bored with numbers and posting. All day, numbers. grrrrr. I need a little creative stimulation. Oh well, for now it's providing a bi-monthly paycheck. Gregg left this morning to go fishing....
talked to joey yesterday, she and i both kinda got excited about our next sister slumber party! we are going to have it in kemah this year. still waiting to see if the date of nov.6 is ok with punky. it's always something fun to look forward to! (is twelve weeks away too early to start planning? nahhh!)
gregg is going fishing this weekend, so.....i am going to take the boys to finish up on some school clothes shopping and maybe catch a movie while we are at it! they start school next week! it's always nice to get them back "learning" again! and my quiet lunch breaks are just around the corner!
Bear with me! I figured out how to post pics, so you will see all I had saved on my computer. Hopefully, as time goes on, I can get more recent shots (of Brandon) anyway!
I found out in church Sunday, that Andrew Smith was killed in a car accident. He was only twenty-one. A Quarterback for University of North Texas and was on his way back to school. His parents are the nicest people you could ever meet and have raised all three of their children in a manner that most people only dream of. I am very sad for all of them and will do what I can to help them get through such a tragic loss.
I have been getting the kids ready for school. A little school shopping here and there. A little more organization in the house (if that's possible). I had the carpets cleaned yesterday. Hope it lasts for a little while.
We found out yesterday that it looks like Katie will be staying here and going to Holy Cross School again! I'm so glad and believe it is what's best.
Well, after an 8 day vacation, i'm back on the job. Like always, a vacation is never long enough. We had a very eventful world series in Mississippi. Travis' team, the Houston Mudbugs, took first place! We enjoyed watching all nine games and cheering them on to victory! Of course, being away from housework and cooking had it's advantages too!You might be able to find info onwww.hapdumontbaseball.com